Mr. Vasile is a curious cobbler, willing to learn and adapt to the demands of today’s fashion. Customers come mostly in autumn and winter, because footwear that is worth keeping and repairing is closely linked to how covered your foot is against rain, wind and everything between. Mr. Vasile works has been a cobbler for 28 years and recenly he became an independent cobbler, with owb workshop.
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 71
One can make in this tailor shop a wide variety of touch ups, easy and without a big fuss. about it. Although many prefer to throw away than to repair, because it takes too much of their time to go to a tailor, here is not the case, the shop being located in a crowded, transitory area, right “in your way”. A stop at the tailor represents quality time dedicated to sustainable living.
Strada Năsăud, nr. 97 (în Shopping Centre Năsăud)
Mr. Stan is a talkative type of person, and he strongly believes that if one does a craft like his – shoe maker – is impossible to be otherwise. A great share of such kind of craft is working with people, side which the shoemaker has always enjoyed. In a workshop almost the size of a shower cabin, Mr Stan vividly repairs shoes, changes heel lifts or just cleans particular leathers.
Calea Moşilor, nr. 86
Calea Mosilor is a street with a lot of history concerning the kraft business, a wide variaty of workshops being opened here. “Glass, we repair the glass, the windows, your mirrors” were words that you could hear, 100 years ago, being shouted on this street. Now only the noise of the cars has remained. Even so, in this workshop, that is under the umbrella of the Coop Tehnica Sticlei, craftman work hard. Here you can do whatever frames you wish, get glasses in any size and the most important thing is that the team wants to make any dream of the client come true.
Calea Moșilor nr 308
The tailor shop where Mrs Elena works is the only one left on Stirbei Voda St. Wearing a beautiful smile and all the time ready for starting work, Mrs Elena is that type of a tailor that gets its energy from the moment when the client put his hands on the piece of clothing and is happy with it. “For a tailor, there is no greater satisfaction than that.”
Strada Știrbei Vodă, nr. 92
Looking from the street, Mrs Delia’s place looks just like an ordinary haberdasery (notion) shop: sewing threads, buttons, ribbons, but here one can find not only this. Mrs Delia is very talented in using knitting needles, that is why she makes a lot of kids knitted clothing and accessories. Foe exaple, a special bag for keeping knitting needles (so they don’t tangle).
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr. 2
Atelierul domnului Maricel pare din stradă un simplu magazin de vânzare încălţăminte. Însă toate încălţările expuse sunt de fapt făcute de el. Domnul Maricel a pornit cu dreptul în cariera de meşter cizmar făcând-o din plăcere şi pasiune şi ajungând să se supraspecializeze prin diferite programe şi mastere, care ţin de cum se lucrează pielea şi cum o determini să ia forma şi culoarea pe care o vrei tu. Meşterului i-ar plăcea să împărtăşească din cunoştiintele lui, el având de-a lungul timpului foarte mulţi ucenici, dar e dezamăgit de lipsa unui sistem care să uşureze viaţa ucenicilor.
Calea Şerban Vodă, nr. 41
The great number of advertising on this side of Academiei Street, some of which for places that don’t exist anymore, makes the clock-fixing workshop hard to find. Across the street from St. Nicholas Built-in-a-Day Church we can leave out watches and glasses frames to be fixed by trustworthy hands.
Strada Academiei, nr. 25